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Get Provider

Get Provider returns a provider by ID

Path Parameters
    id string required

A successful response.

    provider object
    id string
    type string
    urn string
    config object
    type string
    urn string
    labels object
    property name* string
    appeal object
    allowPermanentAccess boolean
    allowActiveAccessExtensionIn string
    resources object[]
  • Array [
  • type string
    policy object
    id string
    version int32
    roles object[]
  • Array [
  • id string
    name string
    description string
    permissions undefined[]
  • ]
  • filter string
  • ]
  • allowedAccountTypes string[]
    parameters object[]
  • Array [
  • key string
    label string
    required boolean
    description string
  • ]
  • createdAt date-time

    Creation time of the provider

    updatedAt date-time

    Last update time of the provider
